This is one of the best image repositories for 20th century graphic design (especially the early stuff, such as Bauhaus) that I have ever come across: Alki1 (Maryellen McFadden), from Portland Oregon describes herself as a "Child of the Great Depression, member of the Greatest Generation, retired graphic designer, college facul...
Not only is Ando Hiroshige a hugely important artist in his own right, but he is also to be reckoned with in terms of the influence that he and his fellow Japanese woodblock printers exerted over late 19th Century Western art & design: Hiroshige combines ideograms and imagery in his prints, often through a usage of boxes and rules as hierarchical aids. And it is this mastery over typographic hiera...
The Legacy of Aldus Manutius and his Press
What this site lacks in appearance it more than makes up for in content. A modest, bare bones html interface takes you through the life and times and the work of one of the greatest book designers and printers of all time. Very good textual descriptions as well as lots of plates showing the beautiful book pages created at the Aldine Press.
A really good collection of Neville Brody's output put together by Peter Gabor can be found here:
I am really happy to have found this, since decent sized online reproductions of Brody's work are not too easy to come across. In fact, I had a very hard time back when I was putting together the course website. So, this is really great! I am only linking one o...
A huge selection, everything from biological illustrations to fashion plates:
15th Century
16th Century
Rare Books
Printing in England from William Caxton to Christopher Barker
The page of an exhibition held in England in 1977! Gives lots of information on the era. Some nice images also, but mostly text:
The images below are William Gilbert's "De magnete" , printed in London by Petrus Short in 1600 (top), Galen's and "De temperamentis, et de inaequalia intemperie" from 1521 (middle), and James Pilkington's "A godlie exposition …
Huge archive of etchings of the artist, covers a huge range from costumes to architecture to maps and title pages. The image quality of quite a few of the reproductions is not the greatest, unfortunately. . While John Maeda's reputation is somewhat tarnished these days, Paul Rand's still shines as bright as the sun.
This is a really great online exhibition, put together by Cornell University , which takes you through the history of writing based upon the materials that were used for such a purpose. The index page is built as a very simple to navigate table which takes you to all of the illustrated sub-sections which also provide short but excellent explanatory texts. Cuneiform tablets. Produced in the city-s...
The famous Prelinger archive is a collection of over 2000 vintage videos which are opensourced, so they can be used for teaching purposes, also in studio art classes:
A great video on the TED website by Paula Scher from Pentagram about solemn and serious design. "Paula Scher looks back at a life in design (she's done album covers, books, the Citibank logo ...) and pinpoints the moment when she started really having fun. Look for gorgeous designs and images from her legendary career."
Again, the video is here.
The Hammonia Typewriter
20th Century
Post WW2
Vintage ads, and all sorts of other modernist ephemera...
... is brought to us by clotho98 : A truly great repository of in-your-face modernist advertising design. I absolutely love it! clotho's interests also cover Victoriana and Art Deco. She has separated her collection into various categories and I will definitely be tackling some of the others later. For now, get a load of this lot :
China, chinoiserie and Painting in Turkestan under the Timurids, ca. 1400:
I love the miniatures of Mehmed Siyah Qalem, or Mehmed of the Black Pen. Although Mehmed Siyah Qalem was a Turk from Central Asia his work is very strongly inspired by Chinese art, which was imported into Turkestan by the Mongol invasions at the times, as well as by the str...
17th Century
Anatomical illustration
Scientific illustration
University of Toronto: Anatomia Collection
Very nice collection of Anatomical Illustrations, can be accessed from here: .
The three plates below are from "Traité complet de l'anatomie de l'homme" by Marc Jean Bourgery (1797-1849). The book was published in Paris in 1831-1854. However, this is by no means the only book to be found here: The collection is huge, with ninety-five...
A brilliant collection of Dada periodicals: cover for 391, by Francis Picabia. 3 Above: Merz pages by Kurt Schwitters, the central image is a centerfold from issue 8/9, which was actually designed by El Lissitzky.
Also on this site are lot of page reproductions of poetry books by Dadaist poets ranging from Eluard to Tristan Tzara; as well as pages ... Probably the best collection of Icunabula to be found online - at least that I am aware of. Not only many superb quality images but also very good explanatory text . The collection mostly concentrates on full text pages (with relatively few images); which I find particularly fascinating since there are so many similarities that one can pinpoint between ...
A Flickr group, the description of which reads: "Officially, the phrase "littera antiqua", or "the ancient letter", was used by the humanists in the 15th century to describe a style of calligraphy or lettering found on the manuscripts which they wrongly believed had been written by the Romans. I've taken some liberties, with the phrase, but hope the spirit of the idea will remain.
This group wil...
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